ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Salvation is Given… Not Purchased! | Acts 8:9—25 | March 15, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Salvation is Given… Not Purchased! | Acts 8:9—25 | March 15, 2020


Two Types of “Belief” | vv. 9—13
He boasted that he was someone great!
The people were impressed with his magic
Simon was all about himself
Philip was all about Jesus
The people believed based on what Philip said
What did Simon believe in? 

Q:  What have you placed your faith in?


The Seal of Approval | vv. 14—17
They were already baptized
Was the Holy Spirit late to arrive?
What was the Apostles’ need?
What was the Samaritans’you need? 

Q:  What is our need?


One Type of “Belief” Exposed! | vv. 18—25
Simon tries to buy what is freely given
His heart was not right with God
“Pray for me”?
Power & position do not trump humility


What Does This Mean for Us?
The “news” of what He has done should amaze us.
Go to those you might have avoided in the past
Don’t dictate to God how He should act 

(Preconceived notions aren’t always correct!)


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Not the Result They Intended | Acts 8:1—8 | March 8, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Not the Result They Intended | Acts 8:1—8 | March 8, 2020


Great Persecution Broke Out! | v. 1
Stephen was only the first
All except the Apostles. Why?
Scattered throughout Judea & Samaria
What did Jesus predict?


God is Still in Control | vv. 2-3
Some remember to obey God rather than men
But Saul began to destroy the Church
Men and women put in prison 

Q:  What would you do?


Not The Result They Intended | vv. 4-8
They preached wherever they went!
Philip went to a city in Samaria! Why?
The crowds heard and saw and listened!
What did they first hear?
What did they then see?
How did they react?


What Can We Expect?
For those still searching…
     …expect good news and the power of God
For those already saved…
     …expect Him to work through you
          …when you step out in faith

Q: Has “persecution” stopped you?

     Are you ready to get going again?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Resistance… Is To Be Expected! | Acts 6:8—Acts 8:1 | March 1, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Resistance… Is To Be Expected! | Acts 6:8—Acts 8:1 | March 1, 2020


Another Court Case Looming… | Acts 6:8-15
Stephen, full of grace and power
They were no match for his wisdom, or the Spirit by whom he spoke!


False Charges Brought Against Him (Sound Familiar?)
Blasphemy against Moses and against the Temple
False witnesses testify against him


Evidence for the Defense (to the 1ST charge) | Acts 7:1-50
Abraham, a foreigner, trusted God
Joseph, Moses, even God rejected by them


Evidence for the Defense (to the 2ND charge)
The tabernacle & temple could not contain God
They turned it into a den of thieves


Two Verdicts—Stephen & the Stiff-Necked | Acts 7:51-8:1
They are guilty, but Stephen is killed
And Saul approved it all


How Does This Apply to Us?
The heart is deceitful… who can understand it?
Some will have hardened hearts and closed ears
Some are still disobeying today
Even Saul began by attacking the Church
But he found himself fighting against God 

Q: Will we obey and seek to make disciples?

     Or will we insist on fighting against God?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Do This In Remembrance… | March 31, 2019

Do This In Remembrance… | March 31, 2019


The Tables Are Turned!
Mordecai is feared! WHY?
In Susa they killed 500…
They also killed Haman’s ten sons… look at the list…


This Was Holy War!

“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” – Genesis 6:5

“…the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.” – Genesis 15:16b

The Kings Joshua defeated… look at the list… | Joshua 12:9-24
Saul was supposed to wipe out all the Amalekites
But he spared King Agag (Haman was an Agagite)


No Plunder Taken
Three times we read that they did not take any plunder—vv. 10, 15, & 16
Why not? Didn’t Mordecai give them permission?
This is Holy War. All things are devoted to God.. | Joshua 6:17
Jericho loses, Ai wins,… for Achan’s sin | Joshua 7:11-12


But This Wasn’t Exactly Like Holy War
Haman’s decree reversed God’s | 1 Samuel 15:3 & Esther 3:13
Mordecai’s decree mirrored Haman’s | Esther 8:11b
With ONE critical difference… self-defense!


This Should Be Celebrated & Remembered
Israel had no King through which to wage Holy War… but God remained faithful to His promise
Purim is celebrated each year, one month before Passover


Where Was God In All of This?
Holy War is God’s vengeance over evil
By God’s mercy & grace the Cross gave us a “time-out”
Jesus’ death on the Cross requires we cease Holy War
His sending of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to love our enemies and forgive those who persecute us

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” – 1 Corinthians 11:26


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Two Decrees! | March 24, 2019

fgd| Two Decrees! | March 24, 2019


“The time is coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.” Jeremiah 31:31


Haman is still hanging around!
My petition—my life. My request—my people!
Sold for (10,000 talents of silver)…
     Destruction, slaughter, and annihilation
     By this vile Haman!
Haman built a gallows for Mordecai
Hang Haman on it!
Then the King’s fury subsided…


Danger Averted!
Haman’s estate is given to Esther
Mordecai is made second in command
Esther gave Haman’s estate to Mordecai 


Danger Averted… Or Is It?!
A decree of the King could not be repealed! | Esther 1:19
No document of the King can be revoked! | Esther 8:8
Written to the 127 provinces and to the Jews!
Using the same language…
     Destroy, kill, and annihilate | Esther 8:11


And There Was Much Rejoicing in Susa!
1st Decree—Susa was bewildered, Mordecai grieved
2nd Decree—Susa celebrates, Mordecai is royalty


Where Was God in All of This?
Is this a little brutal? Attack the women & children? | Esther 8:11
Our first decree… | Genesis 3:13
All have sinned… and we have EARNED a death sentence.
Our second decree… | John 3:16-18
If we believe and confess we will be saved! Romans 10:9-10


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]