Staying on Mission | I’m not sure we’re getting it… | August 18, 2019
Staying on Mission | I’m not sure we’re getting it… | August 18, 2019
“The Prominent” didn’t get it
Wait a Minute… What’s the Standard?
The Pharisees weren’t hostile yet
They were still watching Him closely
They weren’t sure what to make of Him
Q: Are you still watching Jesus?
The Insiders didn’t get it
A guest was excited about the Feast to come
He assumed that he was invited
Q: Are you expecting to go?
The Crowds didn’t get it
They followed Jesus without thinking about what it would cost to truly be His followers
It could cost in…
Comfort, even their very lives
Do We really get it?
You can’t be a half-way disciple
Three times Jesus says “cannot be my disciple”
Can we enjoy our position in Christ, but ignore what He says?
Do we need a sign? How about this…
Jesus says, “Don’t be useless salt.”
James says, “Read and DO!… don’t be deceived!”