Staying on Mission | I’m not sure we’re getting it… | August 18, 2019

Staying on Mission | I’m not sure we’re getting it… | August 18, 2019


“The Prominent” didn’t get it

Wait a Minute… What’s the Standard?
The Pharisees weren’t hostile yet
They were still watching Him closely
They weren’t sure what to make of Him 

Q: Are you still watching Jesus?


The Insiders didn’t get it
A guest was excited about the Feast to come
He assumed that he was invited 

Q: Are you expecting to go?


The Crowds didn’t get it
They followed Jesus without thinking about what it would cost to truly be His followers
It could cost in…
     Comfort, even their very lives


Do We really get it?
You can’t be a half-way disciple
Three times Jesus says “cannot be my disciple”
Can we enjoy our position in Christ, but ignore what He says?
Do we need a sign? How about this…
Jesus says, “Don’t be useless salt.”
James says, “Read and DO!… don’t be deceived!”


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Staying on Mission | Pay Attention! (it will cost you) | August 11, 2019

Staying on Mission | Pay Attention! (it will cost you) | August 11, 2019


A Warning About Comfort
It will cost you
The world will reject you
Even the lower creatures will have it better
Are you willing?


A Warning About Priorities
Family obligations were very important
Where did they fall with Jesus?
Kingdom priorities are higher than family
What are your priorities?


A Warning About Commitment
What follows your “but” when committing to Jesus?
Elisha made the same request of Elijah
Does your plow have a rear-view mirror?


He IS Sending Us!
Remember the Great Commission?
It comes with authority
It is His plan
He already demonstrated it for us
He will be with us


Finish With a Football Story
When following JC commit like JJ
We have a limited amount of time


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Staying on Mission | Compassion is Required! Sunday | August 4, 2019

Staying on Mission Compassion is Required! Sunday | August 4, 2019


A Quick Summary & A Call to Action
He went…
He taught…
He healed… Matthew 8:17
He had compassion…
Why? Their shepherds had failed them…            
The workers are few, but they are enough!
Pray that God sends them…


Q: Do you know this story?

Q: Do you LOVE this story?

Q: Do you know what happens next?


What Now?
We should go… Matthew 28:19
We should teach…
We should HEAL…
     Are you serious?! Yes!!
     It’s His desire! Matthew 10:1; 6-8; 24-25
We should have compassion…
Why? (How would you answer this question?)


The Lord of the Harvest
Who is the Lord of the Harvest?
Who are His workers?
Is He sending you?
Are you sure you are His worker?
What do you think you should do?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Staying on Mission | We Are Ambassadors | July 28, 2019

Staying on Mission | We Are Ambassadors | July 28, 2019


We Try to Persuade
We know what it means to fear
We know our culture

Q:         Is that true of us?


We Are Motivated by Love
Christ’s love is compelling
One died for all, therefore all died
Those who live… should not live for themselves
IF anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation

Q:         Are you in Christ?


We Are Christ’s Ambassadors
It’s a God-given ministry—reconciliation!
He did it for us
He is making His appeal through us
We implore you, “Be reconciled to God!”
He became sin… that we MIGHT become the righteousness of God
We are God’s fellow workers
We urge you, “Do not receive God’s grace in vain.”
Now is the time of God’s favor…
Now is the day of salvation… 

Q: Are we living this out?


What Now?
Know the culture
Be reconciled to God
Be His ambassadors
Now is the time… now is the day…


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Let’s Talk About “the Bucket” | July 14, 2019

Let’s Talk About “the Bucket” | July 14, 2019


Memento Mori
A Latin phrase—Remember you will die.”
How do you want to die?… like Grandpa?
We used to look at this differently (Litany of the Saints)
Now we say, “He kicked the bucket, etc.”


The “World” Has An opinion (Pastor Jeff Hinds) (not according to…)
Atheism— nothing | Hebrews 9:27; John 11:25
Reincarnation—over & over | Hebrews 9:27
Soul-Sleep—I’ll wait for You here | Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:6-9
Purgatory—Painful but worth it… | Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 10:14


Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life | John 11:1-44


Which Light Are We Using to Navigate?
This sickness will not end in death
A man who walks by day will not stumble
There are two meanings here…
In plain words, “Lazarus is dead.” LEO Death Notifications


We live by “sight”, not by “faith” (if we’re being honest)
I know God will give you whatever you ask
I know about the resurrection on the last day
Jesus is the Resurrection & the Life… even TODAY !
And He is compassionate… He weeps


Reality Confronted
4 days… he will stink!
There is something from Heaven happening here
Jesus is in charge, “Lazarus, come out!”
The world rejects the Author of life


Death—An Enemy… and a Friend
From beginning to the end | Genesis 2:17; 1 Corinthians 15:26
Enemy to the unbeliever—Friend to the believer
BUT… weep with those who weep …like Job’s friends | Romans 12:15
“Where, O death is your victory?…” | 1 Corinthians 15:54b-58


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]