Staying on Mission | Pay Attention! (it will cost you) | August 11, 2019


A Warning About Comfort
It will cost you
The world will reject you
Even the lower creatures will have it better
Are you willing?


A Warning About Priorities
Family obligations were very important
Where did they fall with Jesus?
Kingdom priorities are higher than family
What are your priorities?


A Warning About Commitment
What follows your “but” when committing to Jesus?
Elisha made the same request of Elijah
Does your plow have a rear-view mirror?


He IS Sending Us!
Remember the Great Commission?
It comes with authority
It is His plan
He already demonstrated it for us
He will be with us


Finish With a Football Story
When following JC commit like JJ
We have a limited amount of time


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]