Letters From Prison| A New Balance Sheet | November 3, 2019

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Letters From Prison| A New Balance Sheet | November 3, 2019

Philippians 3:1-11


Joyful… AND Cautious | Philippians 3:1
Again, Paul tells them to rejoice!
Even while there is danger around them 

Q:         Do we need to be reminded of the same?


Jews Become Gentiles… And the Gentiles? | Philippians 3:2-6
Beware of DOG
     They are evil mutilators of the flesh!
There is a spiritual reversal
We are the circumcision
We worship by the Spirit of God John 4:23
We take no confidence in ourselves
But… Paul could if he wanted to

Q: Do we take too much confidence in ourselves?


A Lesson in Systematic Theology? | Philippians 3:7-11
Not your typical profit / loss sheet
They are worse than rubbish Isaiah 64:6 

Q: Are we relying on these types of things?

Justification—righteousness by faith!
Sanctification—becoming like Him | Philippians 1:29
Glorification—to be raised with Him | Romans 8:17
Joyful assurance, balanced with caution | 1 Corinthians 10:12

Q: Paul imitates Christ… do we?

5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665
Sunday Services at 9:30AM | [email protected]

Letters From Prison | Here Are Two Examples | October 20, 2019

Letters From Prison | Here Are Two Examples | October 20, 2019

Philippians 2:19-30


Concerned About Misunderstandings      
With the best of intentions, we can sometimes misunderstand each other.
Philippians is a one-sided conversation… for us.
Was Paul concerned about their disappointment?
How would they react before even reading his letter? 

Q: What’s been your biggest misunderstanding?


Timothy is a Great Example for You | 2:19-24
Paul knows they expect to see Timothy
Paul wants to hear a good report, too!
Timothy is staying, but he cares about you deeply!
He’s like a son to me and I need him
I’ll send him as soon as I can
And I’ll be seeing you soon, too! 

Q: Do we “read things in” sometimes?


Epaphroditus is a Great Example for You, Too! |  2:25-30
I HAVE to send back Epaphroditus!
He’s like a brother, a worker, a fellow soldier to me
He is as distressed for you as you were for me!
He was ill. He almost died!  He risked his life!
Welcome him with great joy!
Honor him… and relieve my anxiety! 

Q: Can we embrace the unexpected?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Letters From Prison | Work It Out | October 13th, 2019 | Philippians 2:12-18

Letters From Prison | Work It Out | October 13, 2019 | Philippians 2:12-18


Sabbath Was Only Once a Week | Philippians 2:12-13
Continue to do the good you have been doing
Work out your salvation… you do this!
But God works, too, in you…
     to will
     to act
With fear and trembling?

Q: Do you embrace grace but not works?


Don’t Get Stuck Wandering in the Desert | Philippians 2:14-16
Paul points them to Moses & the Israelites
There were disputes between each other
Were they also divided from their leaders?
They are the light of the world
Their lives should shine before others
One Day we will enjoy the work of our toils 

Q: Do we complain while we work?


Rejoice With Me… even if it kills me! | Philippians 2:17-18
Paul doesn’t really think he’s going to die
But he’s happy either way!
He wants them to rejoice with him
They will… if their attitude is right!

             Q: What’s your attitude?
                  How are you looking at these things?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Letters From Prison | Attitude | October 6th, 2019 | Philippians 2:5-11

Letters From Prison | Attitude | October 6, 2019 | Philippians 2:5-11


It Begins With Attitude | Philippians 2:5-6 
He knew who He was
He didn’t cling to it 

             Q:         What do you have a right to?


It Continues With Humility | Philippians 2:7 
He took on a lower position
From Master to slave… human 

             Q:         What are you in charge of?


It Didn’t Stop There… | Philippians 2:8
It wasn’t just position
It was actions
It wasn’t just discomfort
It was agonizing, shameful death 

             Q:         What are you willing to let it cost you?


But It Didn’t End There… | Philippians 2:9-11
His Father raised Him up!
King of Kings! Lord of Lords!
It was foretold! | Isaiah 45:23


And It Doesn’t Have to End Here For You Either…
Know who you are
Give yourself to Him
Live your life with Jesus as the Master
Join Him in His Glory! | Titus 2:11-14 

5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665
Sunday Services at 9:30AM | [email protected]

Letters From Prison | You & I… TY | September 29th, 2019 | Philippians 2:1-4

Letters From Prison | You & I… TY | September 29th, 2019 | Philippians 2:1-4


You Can’t Have Unity without… | Philippians 2:1-2
If, in being united with Christ, you have…
     any encouragement
     any comfort from His love
     any fellowship with the Spirit
     any tenderness or compassion
Then, make my joy complete!
     by being like-minded
     having the same love
     being one in spirit
     and purpose


Here’s How! | Philippians 2:3-4
Don’t be selfish or conceited!
Humility? Consider others better!
Yourself? Sure, but don’t forget others!


The “World” Won’t Know What To Make of It
This doesn’t come naturally
But we were called to this! | Philippians 1:29-30
         Q:    How much of this applies to you?
I’ll start with me…
How about you?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]