ACTS—Building Toward the Future | The Undeniable… Denied! | January 12th, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | The Undeniable… Denied! | January 12th, 2020


God Shows Up in a BIG Way!
Like… a violent wind
Like… tongues of fire
Filled with and enabled by the Holy Spirit
When God is at work, people take notice
But there will always be scoffers (doubters)


Peter Makes the Case
You KNOW these things…
God did this… and you are guilty of this!
The One you killed is at God’s right hand!
Holy CRAP! We’re doomed!
What shall we do?!
     What does the Law say?


The Solution… What Can One Do?
Be immersed in Jesus!
Receive forgiveness… and…
Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!
The Promise is for EVERYONE!
When God is at work, people take notice
But there will always be scoffers (doubters)


God Continues to Show Up…
The “Church” is born!
They shared all they had…
And apparently, they had potlucks! 


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | All Ready… but Not Yet! | January 5, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | All Ready… but Not Yet! | January 5, 2020


We Know A Lot
Carefully investigated and recorded
     “So you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”
     Certainty is important!
It had to be convincing to the Apostles
But they were impatient
Are we?


But Our Focus Might Be Wrong
They wanted the Kingdom!
They just didn’t know what it really was.
What are we focusing on?
Focus, focus, focus!
It’s about being witnesses… with power!


Why Do You Stand Here?
The angels are still with us!
Let’s take a look at what we need to do
The Scriptures had to be fulfilled
Are we getting ready for when He calls? 


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

The Original Book| Psalm 119: 89-96 |December 29, 2019

The Original Book| Psalm 119: 89-96 | December 29, 2019

Guest Speaker: Rev. Bruce Naugle

“Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.” | Luke 11:52

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. | Matthew 4:4

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. | Romans 10:17

The Bible is key because…

1) …it is divine! – “Your word, Lord, is eternal…” (89)

2) …it is utterly dependable! – “by them You have preserved my life” (93)
All Scripture is God-breathed…– 2 Tim 3:16a

3) …it is wonderfully deep! – “Your commands are boundless” (96)
is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…– 2 Tim 3:16b so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work…– 2 Tim 3:17


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Deliver Hope | God Delivers Hope… For the World! | December 22, 2019

Deliver Hope | God Delivers Hope… For the World! | December 22, 2019


Promised Long Ago
The protoevangelium… the 1st Gospel | Genesis 3:15
The Promise to Abraham | Genesis 12:1-3
The Promise to King David | 2 Samuel 7:16
The Promise to Bethlehem | Micah 5:2
Do you need a sign? | Isaiah 7:14


Celebrating the Newborn Baby | Luke 2:1-20
Exact date and location
A small intimate celebration
An angelic announcement
A heavenly choir
Crashing Jesus’ crib!
Spread the word of the joy of Jesus!


The Reason for His Coming
The “world” is not a beautiful place
So God gave us His greatest Gift | John 3:16-21
Jesus was determined to finish well | John 12:27-28a
Mary would be wounded, too | Luke 2:34-35


And Hope Does NOT Disappoint! | Romans 5:1-5
We have peace with God
We rejoice in the hope of the Glory of God
We rejoice in our sufferings
Suffering produces hope
God with us… is now God in us!
God still delivers Hope! Rev 21:1-5


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Deliver Hope | God Delivers Hope… Believe It or Not! | December 15, 2019

Deliver Hope | God Delivers Hope… Believe It or Not! | December 15, 2019


Luke 1:1-80


It’s Finally My Turn | Luke 1:5-10
Last we “heard from God”… | Malachi 1:6-14
Like Eli’s sons, Hophni & Phinehas? | 1 Samuel 2:12-25
Zechariah & Elizabeth were blameless in God’s eyes
1 out of 18,000. Was this luck?
Are you counting good things as “coincidence”?


Long Before “Touched By An Angel” | Luke 1:11-17
He thought he was alone!
Startled and gripped with fear
Your prayers have been heard… and answered
Do you believe God answers prayers?


Long Before “Ripley’s…” | Luke 1:18-22
“How can I be sure of this?”
Here’s your sign… believe it or not!
Zechariah leaves… deaf & dumb?
Do you truly believe when you pray? | James 1:6-8


God Still Delivers Hope… and He Keeps His Promises
God removes disgrace
Family & friends share in the joy
“God has been gracious” = John
What then is this child going to be?!
Obedience, healing, and praise! | Luke 1:76-80
The greatest of all prophets | Luke 7:26-28
Introduces us to his cousin, Jesus
Are we preparing for Him this Christmas? 


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]