ACTS—Building Toward the Future | The Undeniable… Denied! | January 12th, 2020
ACTS—Building Toward the Future | The Undeniable… Denied! | January 12th, 2020
God Shows Up in a BIG Way!
Like… a violent wind
Like… tongues of fire
Filled with and enabled by the Holy Spirit
When God is at work, people take notice
But there will always be scoffers (doubters)
Peter Makes the Case
You KNOW these things…
God did this… and you are guilty of this!
The One you killed is at God’s right hand!
Holy CRAP! We’re doomed!
What shall we do?!
What does the Law say?
The Solution… What Can One Do?
Be immersed in Jesus!
Receive forgiveness… and…
Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!
The Promise is for EVERYONE!
When God is at work, people take notice
But there will always be scoffers (doubters)
God Continues to Show Up…
The “Church” is born!
They shared all they had…
And apparently, they had potlucks!