ACTS—Building Toward the Future | If From God… Unstoppable! | Acts 5:12—42 | February 16, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | If From God… Unstoppable! | Acts 5:12—42 | February 16, 2020


God’s Presence Seen in Power
Miracles, signs, and wonders…
     Jesus explains… | John 10:38; 14:11
Some were timid, others boldly came…
     and believed!
As a result…
     Faith was strengthened!

Q—When you have stepped out in faithhave you seen or felt God’s power?


The Opposition is Ramped Up!
They were sad, you see? (Sadducees)
     and jealous!
They were losing power to those who didn’t…
     think like they did.
They tried to shame them publicly
But Jesus was building His Church

Q—Do you obey when public humiliation could result?


We Told You This Before
We must obey God rather than men
If this is of man, it will fail
If it is from God… Unstoppable!
Obedience will include suffering
But Jesus will prove faithful 

Q—Who will we choose to obey?

God… Or our “innerman”?

He wants to build His Church… through you!


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Genuine Unity… & the Threat of Dishonesty Acts 4:32—5:11 | February 9, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Genuine Unity… & the Threat of Dishonesty Acts 4:32—5:11 | February 9, 2020


Unity—All In!
One heart… One mind…
What’s yours is mine!
With unity of mission there is power!
There is also encouragement 

Q—Have you been inspired by a unified team effort?


A Cautionary Tale
Guard your heart while doing good
Generosity with deception is despicable
A sin against man is a sin against God
The Holy Spirit is God
God is serious about His mission 

Q—Do you desire the praise of people or of God?


You Will Be Found Out
A darkened heart is self-deceived
God still offers second chances
God is serious about protecting His Church 

Q—Does this scare you?  At least a little?


What Should We Do?
Is this our second chance?
God is serious about the Great Commission
Are we?
It’s going to take unity. Are we all in?
God’s power is waiting to work through us


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Do We Even Have a Prayer? | Acts 4:23-31 | February 2, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Do We Even Have a Prayer? | Acts 4:23-31 | February 2, 2020


Prayer—The Reminder
There are almost 1,100 prayers recorded in the Bible
The first… soon after the Fall
Humility and repentance are required


Prayer—A Pattern in Acts
The Greatness of God
The Will of God
The request for help from God
The desire to be used by God


Prayer—Have We Seen This Pattern Before?
How… not What!
It’s relational
It’s missional
It’s practical


Prayer—For Boldness!
The early church needed it
Paul needed it
We still need it


Is it the same for us today?
Do we have the same Jesus?
Do we face the same opposition?
Do we have the same mission?
Do we take this mission seriously?
Will we follow directions?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

ACTS-Building Toward the Future | Do We Need to Hear the Gospel Again? | Acts 3:1-4:22 | January 26th, 2020

ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Do We Need To Hear The Gospel Again? | January 26, 2020

 Acts 3:1-4:22



When God is at Work, People Take Notice
Sometimes God doesn’t give us what we ask for… because He wants to give us what we need!
The Gospel is more than words
Joy is the natural response to saving grace
When on full display, people take notice!


You Don’t Know Jesus, So You Don’t Know Healing
Does healing surprise you?
We need to hear the Gospel again
Repent and turn to the Lord
For forgiveness of sins
He was sent to you!


Opposition Can’t Stop Growth!
Peter & John are arrested but 2,000 come to faith
Courage through the Holy Spirit
Salvation is found in NO ONE ELSE!
Even simple men, who have walked with Jesus, can do great things! (through the Holy Spirit!)
Obey man or God?
“We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”


What About Us?
Do we need to hear the Gospel again?
Are you ready to let the Holy Spirit work in you?
Do you desire to speak about what YOU have seen and heard? 


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

January 19, 2020 | Guest Speaker: Elder Dave Lyons

January 19, 2020 | Guest Speaker: Elder Dave Lyons

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart-that is the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.  

Romans 10:8-11.  


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]