Risk, Reward, Reversal, Ruin | March 17, 2019

Risk, Reward, Reversal, Ruin | March 17, 2019


“He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success…” Job 5:12


Esther: RISKING It ALL… For ALL The Right Reasons
If I perish, I perish…
Fearing the worst, she prepares for the best
Be sincere, not manipulative!


Haman: REWARD!
Blessed beyond belief!
     Wealth, sons, honor from the King…
     He made me 2nd in Command!
     The Queen honored me today!
     And she will again tomorrow!!
     That Jew!  Mordecai!
     “Hang him and be happy, Haman!”


Haman: REVERSAL… of Honor?
“Who would the King rather honor than me?!”
Let’s plan MY parade!
“Go at once… and do so for Mordecai, the Jew!”


Zeresh: RUIN… it’s coming!
Mordecai wouldn’t fall before you, but you will fall before him…
You will surely come to ruin


Where Was God in All of This?
The golden scepter
The King’s desire to bless the Queen
The King’s sleepless night…
Haman hanging out in the court…
Did Esther know what was going on for Haman?
Did Haman know what was going on for Esther?
Did God know what was going on for all of them?
Does God know what’s going on with you?




    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

    Sunday Services at 9:30AM

    [email protected]

    Where Was God?! | March 3, 2019

     Where was God?! | March 3, 2019


    One of the oldest books describes Him this way… Job 5:12-16


    The Background on Esther
    In History… after the Babylonian exile (485-464BC)
    Location… in the capital of the Persian Empire (see map)
    Overview of the plot… (chapters 1 & 2 are the setup)


    A Queen Rejected
    There is a great feast
    Queen Vashti refuses the King’s command
    The King is very angry
    King Xerxes seeks wise counsel
    A position comes open in the Kingdom


    A Star is Born!
    Hadassah (Hebrew), also known as Esther (Persian)
    Hadassah means “Myrtle”, Esther means “Star”
    Lovely in form & features (like the queen)
    A Jew in secret, she’s winning over the judges
    Esther is crowned Queen! Let’s feast!


    One Up—Two Down
    Esther is still a Jew in secret
    Mordecai overhears an assassination plot
    The matter is investigated and proven true!
    The two officials are hanged from a gallows (hint)
    Mordecai’s heroism is recorded in the King’s history books


    Where is God in All of This?
    Why don’t we ask this question when things are going well?
    Sometimes we can’t see Him until we look back
    A feast, a lovely queen, disobedience, a lovely “star”, obedience, and a feast
    Secrets maintained, secrets revealed, heroes hailed, a hanging, and we’re only getting started…
    Where are you in your story?
    Are you sure God’s not involved? 


    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

    Sunday Services at 9:30AM

    [email protected]