Apologetics—With SO Many… How Can I Know | February 17, 2019

Apologetics—With SO Many… How Can I Know | February 17, 2019


“I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.” Isaiah 45:5a

Why (or How) Should We “Do” Apologetics?
It produces confidence
Because I (am) said so!
Do so with gentleness and respect 1Peter 3:15

Who is asking?
Some are hostile to Christians Matthew 7:6
Some are earnestly seeking Jeremiah 29:13-14
Some are believers looking to be prepared 1Peter 3:15

Questions Covered So Far…
The Question of Evil
The Moral Law
Historical Evidence for the Bible


But With So Many Religions…
The three “largest” religions…
1. Christianity | 2.4 billioN | 1 Trinitarian God
2. Islam | 1.8 billion | 1 God only
3. Hinduism | 1.2 billion | 330+ million gods


Many “gods”… is not new
Ten plagues | Exodus 7-11
Dagon Philistines | 1 Samuel 5:1-4
A god we don’t even know | Acts 17:22-23

What is Truth?
Exclusivity is a fundamental property of truth
Examine exclusivity to see if it’s true
Reincarnation… it’s what you do…
Paradise (in Islam)… karma!
Heaven (in Christianity)… REDEMPTION! (through Grace)


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]

Apologetics — Can I Trust This Book? | February 10, 2019

Apologetics — Can I Trust This Book? | February 10, 2019


“Your Word is Truth” John 17:17b


James Ussher believed Genesis 1 occurred in 4004 BC
66 books (39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament)
40 different authors
1 consistent theme


How Can We Trust a Document THAT Old?
What’s the criteria for trusting an ancient document?
Years between earliest copy and the original writing
The total number of early copies


Two Ancient Examples
Homer’s “Iliad” and Caeser’s “Gallic Wars”
Homer’s Iliad — 400 years 643 early copies
Gallic Wars — 1,000 years only 10 early copies
How does the Bible compare?
New Testament — 50 years 25,000 early copies
If we can’t trust the Bible to be historical …

Age Isn’t Everything…
Is it correct simply because it’s old?

1st Century Jewish Historians confirm it
Josephus—“At the same time there was a man named Jesus, if we may call him a man. He was a worker of miracles and a teacher of those who willingly received the truth…”

1st Century Roman Historians confirm it
Tacitus—“Christians… Christus, from whom their name is derived, was executed at the hands of the procurator Pontius Pilate in the reign of Tiberius …”

2 Peter 1:20-21… 2 Timothy 3:16… Romans 10:9-10


    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

    Sunday Services at 9:30AM

    [email protected]

    Apologetics—The Moral Law | February 3, 2019

    .Apologetics — The Moral Law? | February 3, 2019


    “Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. Isaiah 1:18a


    The Moral Law
    One claims that God cannot exist because evil exists
    If there is “evil” then there must be “good”
    Discerning “good” from “evil” requires a Moral Law
    A Moral Law requires a Moral Law Giver
    But you’re trying to disprove this Moral Law Giver


    Where Do Good & Evil Come From?
              No—It would be ever changing
              No—It can only explain it, but used for other things
              No—Hitler had a conscience.
              Is yours right and his wrong?
    Human Nature?
              No—Human nature is WHY we need a Moral Law
              “What is morally right is determined by whatever creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
              No—If 90% were happy with enslaving the 10%?


    Why Do Apologetics?
    We’re told to always be prepared… 1Peter 3:15
    We should “demolish arguments” that set themselves up against the knowledge of God… 2 Cor 10:5
    Be on guard against hollow and deceptive philosophy… Col 2:8-10
    But DON’T ARGUE!
    “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”… Jesus

    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665
    Sunday Services at 9:30AM | [email protected]

    Pray!… and GO! | January 13, 2019

    Pray!… and GO! | January 13, 2019


    When He SAW the crowds…

    • How can we see as He saw?
    • Don’t think of yourselves more highly than you ought
    • Least of the Apostles… to the chief of all sinners…
    • Have the attitude of John Bradford
    • Have the attitude of Christ Jesus


    He had compassion on them…

    • We can’t have compassion without humility
    • With humility we can bring in a harvest!
    • But how do we bring it in?


    “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the   harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

    Matthew 9:37-38


    Things to notice about “the harvest”…

    • The harvest is plentiful… there is urgency here.
    • The workers are few… where are they?
    • Does this seem overwhelming?


    Pray… and GO!

    • “Ask the Lord of the Harvest…” It begins with prayer!
    • “to send out workers…” They aren’t out there yet!
    • “into his harvest field.” He’s entrusting it to us!
    • You may be the worker you are praying for! GO!


    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

    Sunday Services at 9:30AM

    [email protected]

    Compassion | January 6, 2019

    “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them…” Matthew 9:36a


    All the towns & villages…

    • Jesus was on mission
    • We are on that same mission
    • In Jerusalem
    • In all Judea and Samaria
    • And to the ends of the earth


    He had compassion on them…

    • He SAW the crowds
    • They were harassed and helpless
    • Like sheep without a shepherd


    There are other sheep…

    • He is the Good Shepherd
    • Not of this pen… what pen?
    • We all, like sheep, have gone astray…


    Do we (still) have compassion?

    • Q—What do you feel when you see someone gone astray?
    • Q—How would you define “gone astray”?
    • Q—Do you know any lost sheep?
    • Q—Bad shepherds… have things really changed?
    • Q—Where is our mission field?


    5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

    Sunday Services at 9:30AM

    [email protected]