Letters From Prison – Whatever happens… | September 15, 2019

Letters From Prison – Whatever happens… | September 15, 2019


The Opposite Effect | Philippians 12-18a
Bad things… good people… good things! (Gen 50:20)
Those who didn’t believe… do believe! | Philippians 4:22
Those who did believe… are inspired!
Sure there’s some opposition, but no worries!
What does it matter… I rejoice anyway!


We’re In This Together | Philippians 18b-26
I need your prayers and the Holy Spirit
I expect to persevere no matter what!
If I live… great! If I die… even better!
You will have more joy if I live… and you need me.
I’m convinced, therefore , that I will live.


Whatever happens… follow me! | Philippians 27-30
Live lives worthy of the Gospel!
There must be unity… whether I’m with you or not.
Don’t be afraid of those who oppose you.
This will be a sign to them!
Jesus made it possible to be saved by Him, but also to suffer for Him
I’ve been where you are…
I’m still there…
Let’s make sure we still have unity.


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]