Thankful! in 2020?! For the BIG things and the LITTLE things | November 22, 2020
Thankful! in 2020?! For the BIG things and the LITTLE things | November 22, 2020
Thankful! in 2020?! For the BIG things and the LITTLE things | November 22, 2020
Grateful Receives Grace | November 15, 2020 | A reflection on Luke 17:11-19
Christian? or… Controversy? | November 8, 2020 | A reflection on 1 Timothy 6:3-6
Guest Speaker Pastor Bruce Naugle | November 1, 2020 | Word of Warning | Hebrews 3:12-4:13
Take Note | October 25, 2020 | James 1:19
Where the Weary Find Rest | A reflection on Matthew 11:25-30 | October 18, 2020