ACTS—Building Toward the Future | Do We Even Have a Prayer? | Acts 4:23-31 | February 2, 2020


Prayer—The Reminder
There are almost 1,100 prayers recorded in the Bible
The first… soon after the Fall
Humility and repentance are required


Prayer—A Pattern in Acts
The Greatness of God
The Will of God
The request for help from God
The desire to be used by God


Prayer—Have We Seen This Pattern Before?
How… not What!
It’s relational
It’s missional
It’s practical


Prayer—For Boldness!
The early church needed it
Paul needed it
We still need it


Is it the same for us today?
Do we have the same Jesus?
Do we face the same opposition?
Do we have the same mission?
Do we take this mission seriously?
Will we follow directions?


5467 1st Ave, Pittsville, WI 54466 | 715-884-2665

Sunday Services at 9:30AM

[email protected]